Cachaça is a spirit enjoyed for its aroma, much like wine!<br>The latest on Cachaça from Brazil.


Cachaça is a spirit enjoyed for its aroma, much like wine!
The latest on Cachaça from Brazil.

#World Topics

A new movement in Brazil's national drink, Cachaça!This month we invite cachaça journalist Masato Aso, who is also the chief researcher of the Cachaça Council Japan, to bring you the latest local & global news!

writer:Drink Planet 語り・写真:麻生雅人

リオデジャネイロ州にある「ファゼンダ・ソレダージ」。写真提供:Fazenda Soledade

Fazenda Soledade,in the state of Rio de Janeiro. Photo : Fazenda Soledade.

Cachaça, the base of caipirinha, is a Brazilian spirit made by fermenting and distilling the juice of pressed sugarcane.

Brazilian law sets out the requirements for cachaça, which can be summarised as follows: 'A sugarcane-derived distillate (aguardenti di cana) produced in Brazil / temperature of 20 degrees Celsius and 38-48% alcohol content / up to 6g of sugar per litre may be added.Up to 6g of sugar can be added per litre".

This is a major difference from rum, which is also made from sugar cane, and some regions have more detailed requirements, but in any case, it is a spirit unique to Brazil, protected by the Geographical Indications System.

The origin of Cachaça can be traced back to the Portuguese settlement of what is now Brazil in 1500.

The Portuguese eventually brought to the region the technology of sugar production and sugar cane cultivation, which had been practised in Madeira and other islands.

This is where Brazil's sugar cane cultivation and sugar industry began, and Cachaça was produced at the same time.

In other words, Cachaça has been developed alongside the sugar industry, which is the basis of Brazil's economy.

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