From the UK, SDG Frontline Report.
The age of earth-friendly paper bottles!
#World Topics
writer:Miyuki Sakamoto(ロンドン在住)
Paper bottles of Absolut Vodka, which were test-marketed.
That Absolut bottle is made of paper!
'Absolut Vodka' ('Absolut') has conducted a three-month trial in the UK from June to August 2023, selling vodka in paper bottles as part of a switch to renewable bottles.
The trial is the first of its kind in the UK for a global brand of spirits.
The paper bottles are being used for the 500 ml size product.
It was only available in 22 Tesco shops, a major chain supermarket in the northern city of Manchester.
The price is £16 (approx. 3,000 yen).
Manchester was chosen as the site for the pilot sale because of the city's well-developed recycling environment and the high percentage of citizens who recycle.
However, there are no hard and fast rules when it comes to the new Absolut paper bottles - simply dispose of the empty bottles in your household recycling as usual.
The bottles are made from 57% paper and recyclable plastic and weigh 1/8th of a glass bottle.
Conventional glass bottles can also be recycled, but the reduced weight leads to lower emissions of bicarbonate of oxygen during transport and, most importantly, is much easier for consumers to carry after purchase.
It is also impressive that the iconic Absolut shape has been retained, rather than a completely new bottle design.
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- From the UK, SDG Frontline Report. The age of earth-friendly paper bottles!