「The World’s 50 Best Bars 2023」発表!
日本は「The SG Club」と「Bar BenFiddich」が健闘!


「The World’s 50 Best Bars 2023」発表!
日本は「The SG Club」と「Bar BenFiddich」が健闘!


提供:Drink Planet 編集部


2023年10月17日、ペリエがスポンサーを務める「The World’s 50 Best Bars 2023」の年間リストが、シンガポールで開催された授賞式で発表されました。



TOP 50


Drink Planetで掲載したバーテンダーやバーの関連記事もリンクでご紹介します!(内容は取材当時のもの)

1. Sips, Barcelona
2. Double Chicken Please, New York
3. Handshake Speakeasy, Mexico City
4. Paradiso, Barcelona
5. Connaught Bar, London
6. Little Red Door, Paris
7. Licorería Limantour , Mexico City
8. Tayer + Elementary, London
9. Alquimico, Cartagena
10. Himkok, Oslo
11. Tres Monos, Buenos Aires
12. Line, Athens
13. BKK Social Club, Bangkok
14. Jigger & Pony, Sigapore
15. Maybe Sammy, Sydney
16. Salmon Guru, Madrid
17. Overstory, New York
18. Zest, Seoul
19. Mahaniyom Cocktail Bar, Bangkok
20. Coa, Hong Kong
21. Drink Kong, Rome
22. Hanky Panky, Mexico City
23. Caretaker's Cottage, Melbourne
24. Cafe La Trova, Miami
25. Baba au Rum, Athens
26. CoChinChina, Buenos Aires
27. Katana Kitten, New York
28. Satan's Whiskers, London
29. Wax On, Berlin
30. Floreria Atlantico, Buenos Aires
31. Roda Huset, Stockholm
32. Sago House, Singapore
33. Freni e Frizioni, Rome
34. Argo, Hong Kong
35. A Bar With Shapes For A Name, London
36. The SG Club, Tokyo
37. Bar BenFiddich, Tokyo
38. The Cambridge Public House, Paris
39. Panda & Sons, Edinburgh, Scotland
40. Mimi Kakushi, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
41. Scarfes Bar, London
42. 1930, Milano
43. Carnaval, Lima, Peru
44. L'Antiquario, Naples, Italy
45. Baltra Bar, Mexico City
46. Locale Firenze, Florence, Italy
47. The Clumsies, Athens
48. Atlas, Singapore
49. Jewel Of The South, New Orleans
50. Galaxy Bar, Dubai


Altos Bartenders’ Bartender Award 2023
GN Chan / Double Chicken Please, New York City

Roku Industry Icon Award 2023
Renato ‘Tato’ Giovannoni / Florería Atlántico, Buenos Aires

Michter's Art of Hospitality Award 2023
Tres Monos / Buenos Aires

Siete Misterios Best Cocktail Menu Award 2023
The American Bar at Gleneagles / Auchterarder, UK

Bareksten Best Bar Design Award 2023
Night Hawk / Singapore

Disaronno Highest New Entry Award 2023
Zest / Seoul

London Essence Best New Opening Award 2023
Line / Athens

Nikka Highest Climber Award 2023
Himkok / Oslo

Rémy Martin Legend of the List Award 2023
The Clumsies / Athens

Campari One To Watch Award 2023
Lady Bee / Lima

Ketel One Sustainable Bar Award 2023
Röda Huset / Stockholm

50 Best Bars The Blend Scholarship 2022
Apoorva Kohli / New Delhi

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