Combat: Even Alain Ducasse fell in love! A new innovation in female bartenders! - Part 2 -


Combat: Even Alain Ducasse fell in love! A new innovation in female bartenders! - Part 2 -


Margot Lecarpentier/マルゴ・ルカルパンティエ from「」

Combat, a cocktail bar opened in 2017 in Belleville, northern Paris, by a three-woman unit. What is the cocktail bar that co-owner and female bartender Margo Lecarpentier is aiming for! What is a cocktail!

writer:Keiko Sumino Leblanc(パリ在住)

Ms Margot Lecarpentier. ©️ CHRISTOPHE MEIREIS

What is the cocktail of feminine values?

What exactly is Margo Lecarpentier's idea of a cocktail with more feminine values?

According to her, it is "a cocktail that is more like a dish, a common approach to gastronomy".

'It has to be different from the smoked or molecular recipes that the mixologists at World's 50 Best Bars like. 'We wanted to create a cocktail that was easy for everyone to understand and order without any complexities.'

'That's why the décor is more like a kitchen than a bar, and we dared to put yellow tiles on the back bar. Not the usual back bar with lots of bottles. ......

The bar counter at Combat is actually based on the counter at a sushi restaurant. That's why we custom-made it at a height where you can see the chef's hands."

Sushi bar!

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