Combat: A female entrepreneur mixologist who brought freedom to a bar in Paris! - Part 1 -
Margot Lecarpentier/マルゴ・ルカルパンティエ from「Combat」
Opened in 2017 in Belleville, northern Paris, Combat attracted attention from the moment of its birth as a cocktail bar run by a three-woman unit. A feminist challenge in the bar industry. What has happened since then? We interviewed Margo Lecarpentier, who played a leading role!
writer:Keiko Sumino Leblanc(パリ在住)
The beginning was in a barren common area.
Belleville, in the north of Paris, where Combat is located, is away from the center of the city and is supposed to be a "commoner's area" where no real cocktail bar exists (or can exist!?). It was supposed to be an area for the common people.
It was in such a place that Margo Lecarpentier, a female bartender and one of the co-owners of "Combat," began her challenge.
Lecarpentier has been collaborating with various collaborators, opening more restaurants, and just this summer, she was approached by the super chef Alain Ducasse.
What kind of mixologist is Ms. Lecarpentier?
And what is feminism in the bar industry?
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- Combat: A female entrepreneur mixologist who brought freedom to a bar in Paris! - Part 1 -