This month's featured bartender【エリック・ヴァン・ビーク/Eric van Beek】by 「Handshake Speakeasy」


Handshake Speakeasy:
The World's 50 Best Bars 2024
No. 1 Mexico City hideaway bar!
- Part 1 -

Miho Nagaya(メキシコシティ在住)

In October 2024, Handshake Speakeasy ('Handshake') in Mexico City became Mexico's first No. 1 bar in The World's 50 Best Bars.To get a first-hand look at Eric Van Beek, the bar director who heads up the bar, our local staff member actually went for a drink as a guest!

Cocktails created by エリック・ヴァン・ビーク/Eric van Beek